I knew Judy all through junior high and high school. Judy was a most pleasant person. She was kind and friendly and a person I would love to have a conversation with today to discuss "old times" back at good old Clute Junior High.
Judy and I went to Wharton County Junior College. She lived in Lake Barbara and was so close but never meet till WCJC. Had many a laugh and played too many games of spades. Her 1967 Road Runner was he'll on wheels. Must be the reason she went into law enforcement.
Buddy Roberts
I knew Judy all through junior high and high school. Judy was a most pleasant person. She was kind and friendly and a person I would love to have a conversation with today to discuss "old times" back at good old Clute Junior High.
Jerry Hundl
Judy and I went to Wharton County Junior College. She lived in Lake Barbara and was so close but never meet till WCJC. Had many a laugh and played too many games of spades. Her 1967 Road Runner was he'll on wheels. Must be the reason she went into law enforcement.